Monday, January 4, 2010

Hey it's ok...

to hog the pillows.
to take every single personal day, holiday, and sick day you're entitles to.
to like villainess more than the heroine.
to prefer flowers to makeup sex.
if you're more of a lodge bunny than a ski bunny.
to call yourself a feminist but still believe in "ladies first"
to say "oh that's vintage" when someone compliments you on the We Seal sundress you've been wearing since high school.
if you still get flustered when the bra department saleslady feels you up.
if your haircuts cost $15 not $150.
to hold onto the dress you "borrowed" til she asks for it back.
to open up a big can of feminism 101 when your boyfriend plans his best friend's bachelor party.
to push your aviators up onto your head and consider it a hairstyle.
to act all "candid" when someone pulls out a camera.
to have more pairs of shoes under your desk rather than in your closet.
to only polish the two toes sticking out of your peep toes.
to think about your Ebay bid during sex,
to make Bud Light- your signature summer cocktail.
to employ your varsity basketball skills when the bride tosses the bouquet.
to secretly enjoy a construction workers whistle but give him the death stare anyway.
to be jealous of Suri Cruise's wardrobe.
to consider spanx an exercise plan.

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