Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Hey it's ok {part two}...

To really want to get married super-duper bad.
To discover all your new music courtesy of the Hills.
To find the word “panties” totally creepy.
To buy it without trying it on.
To buy $70 bras but get your jewelry at Claire’s
To wear the fancy dress to another wedding. And another.
To get the dress. Then decide to throw the party.
To buy sexy lingerie and call it your Valentine’s gift to yourself.
To try a sport just for the cute gear.
To wear your grandma’s pearls and niece’s headband.
To say y’all even when you’re not Southern.
If your winter wardrobe in basically your summer wardrobe with tights.
To put real thought into decorating your cubicle.
To check yourself out in the mirror the second you get home from the gym, and think, Skinnier!

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